Attorney Mager Presents During "Utilization of Mental Health, Counseling, and Medical Records in Family Law Cases: A View from the Bench, the Bar and Healthcare Professionals"

On February 5, 2015, Gregory S. Mager spoke during Utilization of Mental Health, Counseling, and Medical Records in Family Law Cases:  A View from the Bench, the Bar and Healthcare Professionals presented by The Society of Family Lawyers, The Leander Foley Matrimonial Inns of Court, and The Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Wisconsin Chapter.  This continuing education program addressed the technical, legal aspect of requests for production of health care records and of complying with records requests, factors in determining admissibility of these records, limitations on use, pros and cons of using these records, standards for mental health professionals regarding records, the effect of litigation on record keeping, the effects of record production/admission on therapeutic relationships, and alternatives to using these records.

Attorney Mager is a shareholder at O’Neil Cannon who focuses his practice on family law. Contact him at or 414.291.4726 for your family law needs.
