Eric M. Peterson

Tel | 414.276.5000




  • Marquette University Law School (J.D.)
  • Northern Illinois University (B.A., cum laude)

Eric M. Peterson

As an Estate Planning attorney, Eric’s primary focus is to help clients prepare for the future and ensure that their loved ones are taken care of. Eric specializes in creating comprehensive estate plans that cover all aspects of asset protection, inheritance, and end-of-life planning. Whether you are a business owner looking to protect your assets, a parent seeking to provide for your children’s future, or someone who wants to leave a legacy, Eric will guide you through the entire estate planning process. At the end of the day, Eric’s goal is to provide peace of mind and security to his clients and their loved ones, both now and in the future.

Eric Assists Clients With

  • Probate
  • Wills, trusts, marital property agreements, advanced directives for healthcare and financial decisions, POAs and other estate planning instruments
  • Estate and gift tax planning; estate and gift tax returns
  • Trust administration for eight-figure trusts; advise on income and capital gains tax strategies for beneficiaries receiving inheritances
  • Business succession planning
  • Nonjudicial Settlement Agreements and trust decantings
  • Settlement of breaches of trust, inheritance disputes, and fiduciary disputes prior to civil litigation
  • Guardianships

Experience/Representative Client Work

  • Forensic auditing for breach of fiduciary duties, leading to resolution of seven-figure disputes
  • Saved estate from creditor by identifying favorable treatment due to minor heirs, resulting in a series of disclaimers and avoiding full insolvency of estate
  • Elimination of millions of dollars in claims against trusts and estates
  • Numerous claims enforced in trust and probate proceedings, by both omitted heirs and creditors, that have preserved millions in wealth

Professional Associations and Affiliations

  • State Bar of Wisconsin
  • American Bar Association
  • Racine County Bar Association, Board of Directors


  • Marquette Pro Bono Society, Member with Distinction

Community Involvement

  • United Way Kenosha County