Last week, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) finalized new record-keeping and reporting rules that require certain employers to electronically submit information about workplace injuries and illnesses to OSHA. The electronic reporting requirements of the rule apply only to employers with 250 or more employees and to employers with between 20 and 249 employees […]
Employment LawScene Blog
On Wednesday, May 4, 2016, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker approved an emergency rule submitted by the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development. Under this emergency rule, certain individuals receiving unemployment benefits will be required to be drug free in order to continue receiving unemployment benefits. Specifically, the new rule will require individuals who are receiving unemployment […]
Today, the U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division, issued an updated guide for employers on the Family and Medical Leave Act. The guide is designed to provide essential information about the FMLA for employers, including the obligations under the law and the options available to employers in administering FMLA leave. The updated guide […]
This week, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals issued an important ruling on what “substantial fault” means in the context of unemployment compensation. In 2013, the Wisconsin legislature amended the unemployment insurance statutes to state that, in addition to discharge for misconduct and voluntary termination of work, employees would be denied unemployment benefits if they were […]
This week, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals issued an important ruling on what “substantial fault” means in the context of unemployment compensation. In 2013, the Wisconsin legislature amended the unemployment insurance statutes to state that, in addition to discharge for misconduct and voluntary termination of work, employees would be denied unemployment benefits if they were […]
On March 9, 2015, Governor Scott Walker signed Act 1 (Wisconsin’s Right-to-Work legislation) into law, which allows workers covered by a collective bargaining agreement to not pay union dues if they choose not to do so (our previous blog on the law can be found here). Opponents of the law immediately went to work trying […]
Although federal administrative agencies such as the National Labor Relations Board, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and the Department of Labor have recently pushed to expand the definition of “joint employer” under their respective laws, employers in Wisconsin can take some solace in recent legislation. Under Wisconsin Senate Bill 422, which became effective March […]
On March 1, 2016, the Wisconsin Supreme Court issued a decision in United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local 1473 et al. v. Hormel Foods Corporation. The majority determined that the time employees spent putting on and taking off clothes and equipment for their jobs was “work” under the Wisconsin statutes and that employees should, […]
On February 7, 2016, 2015 Assembly Bill 142 became law, amending the Wisconsin Statutes related to how knives are, among other things, regulated by concealed carry permits. The law no longer requires an individual to have a concealed carry permit in order to lawfully carry a concealed knife, including a switchblade or automatic knife. There […]
Recently, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) published Draft Proposed Enforcement Guidance on Retaliation and Related Issues in order to get public input. The EEOC handles employment discrimination laws, including retaliation claims by employees who engage in “protected activity,” such as employees who complain about discrimination, file a charge of discrimination, or participate in […]